The “normal” “Dollars For Scholars” Golf Tournament could not be held this year due to the pandemic but the 50/50 Chance Drawing took place as in the past. This year we added a new twist. This form of support for the Bentley Wings Scholarship Fund has been so popular, it was decided to divide the net proceeds 3 ways. Pictured are committee members Doug Stather, Marcia and Dave Courtney holding the winning tickets. 50% of the net income was divided as follows…. Carole Rambo won 30%, 20% won by Robert Rudolph, and 10% went to Betty Masi. Many donations were made in lieu of participating in the drawing.
Realizing that we would fall well below our goal we thought that a “NO GO Golf Tournament” might help add to our bottom line. NO GO stands for “NO GOLF”, “NO BANQUET”, and “NO PRIZES”. Due to the generosity of many of our residents (golfers and non-golfers), we raised a surprising amount of dollars.
In total we were able to net over $73,000 which will allow us to again sponsor a great field of candidates for scholarships to be awarded in 2021. The committee thanks each one of you who supported this event. Also, thanks to committee members: Cyndy Carlson, Marcia and Dave Courtney, Janice Hitch, Judy and Tom Lynch, Natalie Knecht, Karen and Roger Rittinger, and Doug Stather and Karen Rosenstein, who designed the thank you banners that were displayed in both clubhouses.
Depending on the CDC guidelines, a 2021 Spring Festival Dinner Dance is a possibility. Stay tuned.
Marcia Courtney, Event Chair and Foundation Board Trustee.